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Saturday, January 25, 2014

How much water should my dog drink?

How much water should my dog drink?

A good rule of thumb is .05 – 1 oz of water per pound each day to stay adequately hydrated. However this is not an absolute number.  Some dogs needs are significantly higher or lower based on breed, age, activity level, diet or season.  If your climate dry and warmer and he or she spends alot of time outdoors, he or she will need more. Dogs that eat a completely dry diet will need more water than dogs that eat food that is wet.  My Saints for example, weigh about 160 lbs.  They are senior dogs so not particularly active, but Saints pant and drool more than other dogs so their needs are higher.  Based on this they need 80-160 oz (or 1.25 GALLONS) of water every day.  Since we have moved out to the desert southwest, this number will be increased because it is much hotter and dryer than the average climate.

Senior dogs are pretty good at naturally regulating their water intake but be mindful if they seem to have unexplained increased thirst and water consumption.  Food and treats that are high in sodium will cause an increase in thirst.  On average puppies need to drink about 4 oz (1/2cup) every two hours.  For larger breed dogs its just a little more, tiny breeds, a little less.

Medications like predinisone (steroids) and heart failure medication will also increase thirst.

Drinking too much water can lead to bloat, electrolyte imbalances, and hyponatremia (water toxicity) and can signify a bladder infection, another type of infection, or diabetes.  Too little water can lead to dehydration in dogs, kidney stones, organ failure and even death.

Are you giving your dogs enough water each day?  Make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh drinking water at all times.  Their health and life depends on it.

View the original article here

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