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Friday, June 3, 2011

Brave St. Bernard Protected Woman in Tornado

Bear, a very good - and big - dog (Photo: Jessica Holloway, KOCO)

An Oklahoma man reports that his 160-pound St. Bernard “puppy” was a major family hero during last week’s deadly tornadoes.

Gary Sneed, of Piedmont, says Bear could sense that Sneed’s wife was terrified as the tornado roared toward their home. He says that as the fierce storm reached their house, Bear lay his body across Leanna’s, completely covering her.

“He was going to give his life to save hers,” says Sneed.

The home was destroyed, but Leanna and Bear made it through the tornado in one piece. That’s one good, brave pup. (Sneed says Bear has about another 60 pounds to go, so we hope he won’t be having to lie on top of Leanna when he’s full grown.)

Click here to see a short news clip about Bear’s bravery. (Sorry, I can’t find an embeddable version.)

Source: KOCO TV

View the original article here

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