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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Panicked Dog Dies Terrible Death on Airplane

I’ve written about dogs who die on planes because of mishandling or misrouting or excessively high or low temperatures. But I’ve never heard of anything like what happened on an Air Canada flight Wednesday.

It appears a panicked dog died trying to free himself from his travel crate. (I will use the masculine here even though news reports just say “it.”) At the end of a flight from Toronto to Calgary, crew members unloading the cargo hold were horrified when that they went to unload the dog. The dog had lost his teeth while trying to escape the crate, vomited, and had died during he four-hour flight, according to the Calgary Sun.

“Everyone was completely heartbroken … our employees are animal lovers and owners and they always take the utmost care in transporting animals,” Air Canada spokewoman Angela Mah told the Sun. She said the airline is arranging for an autopsy, and is talking compensation with the owners.

Poor, poor dog… If I hadn’t already vowed never to put Jake on a plane, this would do the trick. Dogsters: How about you? (The commenter “flyer” below did make a good point: If you’re moving and flying is the only way your dog can be with you, then of course it’s far better to fly her out than leave her behind.)

View the original article here

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