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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is Stalking Cute Dogs on the Internet Your Favorite Pastime? Ours, Too!

Hanging out on Facebook is a really good way to not get any work done. Luckily, I get paid to play on Facebook (haters, hate on), so I never feel guilty about how much time I spend there. Because of that awesome fact and my awesome job, I have the scoop on all the best fan pages to follow.

Before you get started, please note that if you only want to like one Facebook page, please like Dogster’s, and then immediately post a picture of your dog there so I can squee and obsess over how cute it is. Kthx. And now, the list:

+ Serious support for your O.C.D.:
I suffer from a little-known condition known as Obsessive Chihuahua Disorder, or O.C.D. for short.

Fortunately, I feel right at home with this support group on Facebook. There is a Chi for everyone on there. My fave is Bebe. Who’s yours?

+ Four frog heirs you will die for:

If you are a Frenchie fanatic, you are probably familiar with the terms Frog Prince or Frog Princess. I also call these dogs Wrinkle Faces, Pot Roasts, and Dwarf Bunnies — I could go on but I’ll refrain.

The Moon Pieds love water, just like their froggy friends.

ANYWAY, the Moon Pieds are four of the cutest frogs on Facebook. You will not regret receiving constant updates on their adorable life together.

+ Pug fanatics, rejoice:

This is DJ Rio Bravo, featured on the Hug Pugs Facebook page. If you are crazy about pugs, know this:

DJ Rio Bravo on the wheels of steel

A) You are not alone. There are apparently 156,000 people just as obsessed as you are.

and B) PUGS LOOK LIKE LITTLE WORMS! And I want to smoosh them all with my love.

+ Meet Pippi!

Pippi is an adorable little Chi who was neglected by some ASSHOLE and then sent to a shelter.

Pippi looks so cute now she doesn't have mange anymore.

I use the term “asshole” quite confidently, and I’m sure you will understand when you see what Pippi looked like back then, when she had mange. The amazing thing is that she is now in a loving home with other Chis, and she is THRIVING. She looks so beautiful and happy. I cried when I saw her before and after pictures.

+ Two pugs who get up to mischief:
Mr. Pug & Mr. Other Pug are absolutely hilarious! You will die when you see the adorable adventures they have, as well as their witty and spot-on commentary on life.

+ Warning, this site may depress you:
Loving dogs isn’t just about sharing cute photos. It’s about caring for them, signing petitions that advocate for them, and helping them find the loving forever homes they deserve. The Patrick Miracle is a great way to get involved.

+ The most beautiful pet photography I’ve ever seen:

SRSLY. Serenah is an Australian-based photographer whose >pictures will absolutely wow you and your friends, so share, share, share!

Anna Zeman is a Social Media Monkey Scientist Strategist at SAY Media (Dogster and Catster’s pawrent company). She is pro-smooshed-faces, pro-kawaii, and anti-animal testing.

View the original article here

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