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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nobody Puts Blaze the Husky into His Kennel

In this video, the big, relaxed, sleepy puppy is very polite about it, but he makes it clear: NO!

John Ventresco's video of his 11-month-old Husky (named Blaze) resisting going into his kennel, is getting a lot of "Awww" around the Internet, and for good reason. We've all been there, whether we have four legs or two. At some point, you just become very satisfied with the place you're in, and when someone comes along to rouse you for dinner, television, or just moving from your spot on the couch to a proper bed for the night, you just want to stay where you are.

For the most part, Blaze is vocal but polite about not wanting to leave his comfy spot. Every time an attempt is made to rouse him, he makes a kind of doggy grunt indicating that he just doesn't want to go.

Blaze's courtesy is one thing that's been commented on a lot as his video circulates. He's kind of become the canine Bartleby of the Internet -- in Herman Melville's Bartleby the Scrivener, the title character responds to work requests from his employer by saying only "I would prefer not to." So, maybe Blaze isn't just cute; think of him as an easy way to educate your kids on classic American literature.

While YouTube's "annotate" feature is one of those things that posters sometimes use to crank their obnoxiousness up to 11, here it just brings out the adorableness. The feature translates Blaze's moans of protest into a definitive "No." It's certainly more accurate than the automatic transcript produced by YouTube's servers, which nevertheless are a great bonus source of surrealistic humor. According to YouTube, the conversation between Blaze and his humans goes something like this:

0:00 thinks I'm going to tell mom month
0:04 whom more mmm
0:07 where my
0:11 I'm I'm
0:14 sand or gravel an all-time
0:18 a whole time Mike
0:22 mom and cool harm
0:26 call please and
0:30 home well month ago
0:33 warm Mike girl
0:00 thinks I'm going to tell mom month

I guarantee that's not what's being said, either by Blaze or the humans, but check it out for yourself below.

Check out these adorable stories on Dogster:

View the original article here

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