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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is access to your vet’s backroom a reasonable expectation?

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Care to tag along next time your pet is whisked to “the back” of the vet clinic for an injection, a diagnostic test, or a nail trim?

Perhaps you are curious about what actually goes on back there. Maybe you believe that your best buddy will feel more secure if you are present. Whatever the reason, know that if you desire to go where your pet goes and see what your pet sees, this is a perfectly reasonable expectation in most circumstances.

Admittedly, some vets simply don’t like having clients tag along. If your doc falls into this camp, some patient persuading on your part may help. Provide reassurances that you will be on your best behavior, and remind him or her that large animal vets do practically all of their work in front of their clients.

I happen to love when my clients wish to accompany their pet and me beyond the exam room. In fact, I find myself inviting them to follow more often than they think to ask. I prefer they get a first hand look at what I am doing and seeing, rather than simply listening to my after-the-fact verbal description.

Admittedly, I’m proud of my facility and feel great when clients see our bustling staff, content patients in clean comfy cages, and state of the art diagnostic and patient monitoring equipment. Complaining about what vets charge is all the rage these days. When clients see all that we’ve got going on in the back of the hospital, our fees make a lot more sense!

Before my clients set foot beyond the exam room, I gently coach them on the art of being unobtrusive, including avoiding instructing nurses on how to restrain their pet and asking a bazillion questions while I am performing a procedure. I always reserve the right to send clients back to the exam room if I perceive that their anxiety level is becoming contagious, and I describe in advance what they will be seeing. This deters some, which is a good thing. There’s nothing like a fainting or vomiting client to get the day off to an exciting start!

Your request to enter the bowels of the hospital might be denied if:

-Your pet is better behaved without you there (all vets have experienced aggressive patients in the exam room who become gentle as lambs when separated from their humans).

-There is something going on that is private (for example, a grieving client) or too graphic for you to see (trust your vet on this one).

-Your dog or cat will be in an area of the hospital that is off limits to you. For example, in my hospital, in order to avoid radiation exposure, no one other than the patient is allowed in the room where X-rays are taken. Gentle sand bags are used for restraint along with mild sedation if needed.

- The staff is aware that you have a lot to say and no one will be able to get anything done because they will be too busy responding to your questions.

Have you ever accompanied your dog or cat to the back of the hospital? Was it a good experience for you? How about for your pet?

View the original article here

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