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Monday, June 13, 2011

Some Dogs News Days Are Ruffer Than Others…

Every weekday I sift through dozens of doggy news items in order to bring you stories I think you will want to read. Some are funny, some odd, some sad, some downright infuriating.

Unfortunately, searching for news for Dogster means I have to read many depressing dog stories or headlines every day. I filter them for you, because it can be pretty grim out there. I make sure to always have Jake handy to add some sunshine to the cloud cover of these stories.

But today is a particularly rough news day. Sure, there are wacky stories about Leona Helmsley’s millionaire Maltese dying, and sweet stories about dogs helping detect allergens for kids. But today seems to have more than its share of sad dog news. A few of the headlines:

14-year-old girl charged with animal abuse after allegedly setting dog on fire
– And let’s not forget she also beat the 6-month-old Labrador with a shovel first

Wounded dog found in garbage bag along side of road – At first the little dog couldn’t walk. She is walking again, but not in a straight line.

Woman charged after dog dies in hot van – He was one of 15 dogs and three cats left alone in a van for six hours with no food or water, and the windows rolled up.

Shelter worker on leave after dog accidentally euthanized – But hey, the shelter offered the bereft owner another dog at no cost…

Galloway Township police K-9 Blaze dies during training session – We just ran a story on a K9 who died in a hot patrol car. One is more than enough. :(

You get the idea. These are just the tip of the iceburg. I’ve already written a full blog post today about a dog who died a horrible death on an airplane, so I’m up to my eyeballs with the stuff. Any other day I would bring you a post about at least one more of these newsworthy stories, but since there were so many today, I’ll just let the headlines speak for themselves. You can click on them if you want to know more.

I’m now going to go for a long walk in the sunshine and take my smiling dog with me. But in the meantime I’ll ask you this, Dogsters: The dog blog seems to get the most reactions to contentious or sad stories, but do you like to see the good-news stories as much as or more than the bleak ones? Do you prefer a mix, so you can be aware of some of the bad stuff that goes on while still enjoying some fun stories? Or would you rather see all good news? (We will be sticking with a mix, but I’m interested in which way you might prefer leaning, when there’s a choice.)

View the original article here

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